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Hunting Packages and Pricing

50% non-refundable deposit to book a date

Other 50% is required upon arrival

All prices are per person 3 day trips, (unless otherwise specified) with lodging included 

8 person minimum to be guaranteed your own hunting party and exclusive use of the Main lodge

6 Person to be guaranteed your own hunting party and exclusive use of the Farmhouse lodge






Teal/Dove: (September) $1200

Knock the rust off your gun with one of our teal/dove combos!  Our dove hunting is some of the best wing shooting in the coutry. This package includes a morning teal  hunt with an afternoon dove hunt. 


Early Season Ducks : (October) $1200

 Come hunt large concentrations of early season migrants before many of the nations duck seasons are open. The typical ducks harvested during this time include but are not limited to wigeon, gadwall, teal, pintails and occasionally mallards. These hunts take place over sheet water in ag fields as well as small farm ponds. 


Combo Hunts:(November- January) $1950 

 3 Days  of hunting 3 Nights lodging and meals included, White fronted geese (Specklebelly), Lesser-Canada geese, Snow geese, and multiple species of ducks.

We hunt large decoy spreads and move to fresh feeds daily. At this time we are often holding over a million birds between our two refuges and hunters often have the opportunity to harvest limits of dark geese and ducks in the same hunt!


Late Season Geese: ( February) $1200 

Canada geese, Snow geese, white fronted geese

Once our marshes freeze and the early season specks and ducks are a thing of the past, the Canada goose hunting is just picking up! At this time our hunters harvest both lesser and giant Canada geese as they lift off open gravel pits and other large bodies of water. Massive flocks of snows frequent the area as well and can provide some fast and exciting action!


Farm House Lodge Package  $1600 

Fully guided morning waterfowl hunt, cozy lodging in our rural farm house. This package can accommodate up to 7 hunters. This package does not include meals.


Wild Pheasant Hunts (January only) $2200 

3 full days of wild upland hunts (4 bird pheasant limit 8 bird bob white quail limit) this package will include lodging at our main lodge and meals.



Spring Conservation Season: (February-March) $1500

Snow geese

Our area holds thousands of snows as they travel back to the breeding grounds. We hunt over 1500-2,000 snow goose decoys on these hunts and move to fresh feeds daily.


Executive Waterfowl/Upland Package (November-January) $2600

Sit back, relax, and watch our guides do the dirty work for you! While you are in one of our warm beds next to the fire place,  we are setting the decoys without you. All you have to do is meet us at the field ready to pull the trigger. This package includes one waterfowl hunt and one upland hunt per day. Bird cleaning is included. 


Spring Turkey ($1200 1 Bird)

Our turkey hunts are sure to get your heart racing. Whether you prefer a relaxing sit in the ground blind or a more "run and gun" type approach, our guides are sure to put a gobbler in range. This hunt includes three days of hunting (or less depending how quickly tag/tags are filled) as well as assistance in the processing of your turkeys. 



Whitetail Deer Hunts $5000 

White tail hunts in Central Kansas. These hunts will include 5 days of hunting in some of the most prime deer hunting areas in the state (Units 3,4,5 ). All hunts will take place on private managed areas over bait and food plots, we are offering very limited number of hunts to increase trophy class success. Deer tags in kansas must be drawn though a lottery drawing. April 28th is the dead line for application.  



Controlled Shooting Area Pheasant Hunts (Base package $400 per day)

We are now offering high volume upland game bird hunts, no bird limits. You may hunt hens, roosters, or even quail and chucker. Whether you are looking to shoot piles of pheasants from the tower or walk them up, you and your friends are sure to enjoy our CSA. Our base package includes 8 birds per person, additional birds can be purchased. This package does not include lodging


Bag limits

6 Ducks

6 Canadas

2 Specks

50 snows

15 doves

Per person per day

All Processed Birds must be taken home, No Exceptions 







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